Affirmative Employment/ EEO
The Affirmative Employment/ EEO Committee shall monitor and develop programs to address areas of concern of Black government employees including rates of hiring and firing; promotions; training; details; distribution of authority and responsibility; adverse actions; awards; merit pay; disciplinary actions; will also monitor all issues/matters referring to affirmative action and work; and assist in developing BIG’s position on any legislation or regulation impacting on advancement and employment opportunities of Blacks in government.

Annette Gardner, Committee Chair

The Awards Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all awards are processed in accordance with the instructions provided and awards are received at the regional and national level in a timely manner and before published suspense dates.

Vacant, Committee Chair

The Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that the Chapter Bylaws are updated in the manner in which the chapter operates and should align with regional bylaws, policies and procedures and national constitution. Review and/or updates (if necessary) shall occur at a minimum of once a year. The committee should ensure that all updates are immediately posted to the CDC/ATSDR Chapter of Blacks In Government website once all signatures are affixed.

LaQuita Watson-Parks, Committee Chair

The Chaplain will be called upon to render the prayers during all official chapter meetings. The Chaplain will also be notified upon a member’s request for special prayer and during times of illness and bereavement of any chapter member.

Jesse Thompson, Committee Chair

Comm/Public Relations
The Communication and Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for the development and printing of all published documents of the Chapter; shall establish a quarterly newsletter, submit chapter news articles to the Region and/or National as requested; and be responsible for all contacts with the media (TV, Newspapers, etc.). The primary purpose of this committee is to assure public exposure of the chapter as approved by the Executive Committee and/or Membership. All public statements shall be in accordance with National policies.

Leticha Word-Heflin, Committee Chair

Delegates Assembly
The Delegates Assembly Committee shall coordinate activities associated with the chapter electing members in good financial standing who volunteered and after receiving supervisory approval, to serve as delegates during the National Delegates Assembly (NDA). The committee will provide updates and training to the chapter­ elected primary and alternate delegates prior to the date of the NDA. The Chair will be responsible for ensuring that a system is in place to ensure all seats are filled during the NDA by members who were approved to serve as delegates.


Election Committee
The Elections Committee shall be composed of four (4) members from the general membership and elected by the general membership for the purpose of conducting annual Chapter elections; prepare an official ballot of eligible candidates for each office; conduct the actual election of officers in conjunction with the slate officers presented by the Nominating Committee. Present the election results to the membership and provide certification in writing of the results to the Chapter Secretary.

James Clausell, Committee Chair

The Evaluations Committee shall develop evaluation criteria and conduct evaluations of the management of the organization and effectiveness of al operating programs to determine the impact of BIG in the government work environment, on the national sensitivity to the needs and circumstances of Black government employees and on national programs impacting on Black government employees.

Shereka Brown, Committee Chair

The Exhibit Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that a CDC exhibit is available for viewing at all future National Training Conferences (NTC). The exhibit should arrive to the site of the NTC in a timely manner and be manned during the prescribed national operating 9 hours.

Bridgette Smith, Committee Chair

The Finance Committee shall be responsible for the financial accountability of the Chapter. The Finance Committee shall assist of the Treasurer in maintaining the financial records of the organization, develop the organization’s yearly budget and recommend ways and means to raise funds. This committee will be responsible for, but not be limited to, developing the overall annual budget to be presented and approved by the general membership at its December meeting, reviewing budgets and costs of the Chapter’s programs and reporting to the general membership the feasibility of implementing these programs. In addition:

a) This committee will serve as the audit committee for audits required by law, or any other reason.

b) An audit must be conducted, and results reported at the first Chapter meeting of each calendar year. This committee will have access to all financial records necessary to complete the audit. No officers can be a member of this committee when performing the audit functions.

Aprill’e Maddox, Committee Chair

Financial Advisor Liaison
Financial Advisor duties are not defined in the Chapter governing documents.

Daryl Blackmon, Committee Chair

The FLAG Advisor shall supervise and provide guidance to all FLAG Leaders concerning the FLAG Program. The advisor shall be in constant contact with the FLAG admin leader to provide student information (number enrolled in the program, number of students who participate, and the FLAG topics discussed during the monthly FLAG meeting). The advisor ensures that the Chapter has the required number of FLAG leaders required to sustain the FLAG Program.

Angela Banks, Committee Chair

Health & Wellness
The Health & Wellness Committee shall organize and/or sponsor a minimum of two health and wellness events per year. The committee shall notify all chapter members via the chapter secretary, as well as the Region IV Health and Wellness Coordinator of the event date, time, and location and solicit 100% participation through advertisement of the events through the CDC and BIG websites. The Committee shall also develop a budget for the event and determine if monetary assistance is needed.

Carmelle Robert, Committee Chair

The Historian shall prepare a narrative account of the organization’s activities which, when approved by the Executive Committee, will become a permanent part of the organization’s official history. The Historian shall be responsible for the collection of books or other written or printed materials relating to the organization. All material will be stored in the local chapter archives.

Chaity Naik, Committee Chair

The Hospitality Committee shall welcome all new members to the Chapter by sending a welcome letter (within two (2) workdays following receipt of application and dues) and attaching a copy of the chapter Bylaws, Regional IV Bylaws, Regional IV Policies and Procedures, and the National Constitution. The committee shall also send cards (get-well, sympathy, etc.) to those members who have been identified by the Chapter President. The committee shall welcome all members to all chapter events and provide refreshments when approved by the elected members of the Executive Committee.

The committee will immediately be reimbursed for any approved expenses incurred by providing a receipt to the Chapter Treasurer not to exceed $25.00. Funds spent in excess of $25.00 will be subject to approval of the elected members of the Executive Committee. The committee should be in constant contact with the Orientation Committee to ensure that all new members are contacted and properly integrated into the chapter, understanding the goals and objectives of BIG. All approved food, gifts, reimbursements for refreshments shall be paid via the chapter’s Sunshine Fund account.

Antionette Waits, Committee Chair

The Membership Committee shall be responsible for developing and implementing programs for membership drives, receiving and screening applications, and any other functions deemed necessary by the Chapter or Executive Committee. The committee should strive to recruit at least 20 new members annually.

Deborah Blockman, Committee Chair

The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three (3) members from the general membership and elected by the general membership for the purpose of conducting annual Chapter elections. Prepare a slate of eligible candidates for presentation to the Chapter at the October Chapter meeting.

Yvonne Jennings, Committee Chair

Now Generation
The NOW Generation Committee focuses on programming for young professionals of BIG under the age of 40 looking to enhance their success and become leaders in the workplace. For more information, visit:

Mechele Campbell, Committee Chair

The Orientation Committee shall notify all new members of the date, time, and location of the chapter’s next scheduled “Newcomers” briefing. The committee should stay in constant contact with the hospitality committee to ensure that all new members are contacted and properly integrated into the chapter, understanding the goals and objectives of BIG.

Joivita (Joi) Bradford, Committee Chair

The Outreach Committee shall sponsor at least one major outreach event each calendar year and solicit the support of all chapter members. The selected event should inspire, uplift, encourage and motivate change and make a positive difference within our community.

Anna Elston, Committee Chair

The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President, give parliamentary opinions upon request, and shall establish a policy and procedure manual.

The Timekeeper Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all meetings and events start and end at the prescribed times. Exceptions will be made only when 50% of members in attendance support extending the event.

Faye Rashid, Committee Chair

The Photography Committee shall take photos at all chapter events and download all photos to a playable CD with music backgrounds. The chapter photographer shall be reimbursed for any funds expended to perform his/her duties. The photographer shall be given priority to perform professional services at all chapter events—the chapter will provide necessary supplies (paper and ink) in support of his/her duties. All proceeds received by the photographer shall be maintained by the photographer without accountability to the chapter.

Deborah Blockman, Committee Chair

Policy & Procedures
The policy and procedures manual will be maintained by each member of the Executive Committee and distributed to the entire membership. All new and/or revised policies shall be added to the policy and procedures manual. The policy and procedures manual shall be passed to the succeeding chapter president at the change of office. Copies of all changes must be approved by the chapter and re-distributed to the entire chapter membership. A committee chair will be appointed by the chapter president to regularly maintain, track, and update the manual.


Program & Planning
The Program and Planning Committee shall be responsible for development and implementation of the necessary programs and requirements to fulfill the purpose and objectives of the Chapter. This committee shall be responsible for training and assistance in those areas critical to the well-being of Black government employees. All programs pursued by this committee must be approved by the Executive Committee and/or General Membership and certified feasible by the Finance Committee.

Darian Lewis, Committee Chair

The Sponsorship Committee shall be responsible for soliciting sponsors to support BIG events, goals, and objectives. The committee shall maintain a list of sponsors, addresses, telephone numbers, and amount of donations on a year to year basis. Thank you notes and/or cards shall be sent to all sponsors supporting BIG functions.

James Clausell, Committee Chair

Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan Committee shall develop the strategic plan and oversees the implementation and shall be responsible for updating the plan as goals are met and new goals are established.

Tracey Griffin, Committee Chair

Webmaster/Social Media
The Webmaster Committee shall be responsible for managing and updating the Chapter’s website and social media sites.

April McGee, Committee Chair